There are 4 basic hair sculptures, Solid Form, Graduated Form, Increased Layer From, and Uniformly layer From.
Sold Form Hair Sculpture
A solid form hair sculpture consists of lengths that are longer in the interior and shorter in the exterior, causing them to all fall to the same length giving maximum weight at the from line. One of the most popular names for this type of cut is a “Bob.”
Graduated Hair Sculpture
A graduated hair sculpture consists of shorter exterior lengths that gradually progress into longer interior lengths. When this type of sculpture is in natural fall, the ends of the hair stack up on an angle. Weight in a graduated sculpture starts above the perimeter form line, which gives this sculpture its triangle shape. The common name for this type of hair sculpture is a “Wedge cut.”
Increased-Layer Hair Sculpture
An Increased-layer from has shorter interior lengths that become longer in the exterior. With an Increased-layer sculpture, there no visible weight build-up. This is an elongated oval shape with face-framing layers. A common name for this type of hair sculpture is a “Shag Cut.”
Uniformly Layer Hair Sculpture
The uniformly layered sculpture has all equal lengths. There no concentration of weight build-up within the sculpture and circular in shape. This type of sculpture is known as a “one length cut.”